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Grand Re-Opening of Cornell Museum

The Cornell Museum at Old School Square has recently undergone a million dollar renovation and if it looked like an old school before it certainly does not now.  I attended the Grand Re-opening of the Museum on Nov 8th which was also the opening of the latest exhibit “Looking Glass”.  The atmosphere was joyous and electric.  While it retains the charm of an ‘old school’ the space is bright and open and will well serve the innovative and contemporary exhibits that curator Melanie Johnson is becoming known for.

Looking Glass Exhibit Nov 9 – Feb 25

Looking Glass, a group exhibition featuring contemporary artwork that immerses the viewer into the piece by creating their own reflection. The viewer and the space around the piece become a part of the work itself.  It was fun to view the exhibit with so many other artists and art lovers.   The exhibit will be there until Feb 25, 2018.

The opening was very festive and fun.   As a resident of Delray Beach, I felt proud that museum in the heart of downtown Delray is so progressive and attractive.  I was not too thrilled with their new policy of not serving red wine at the reception.  Really, they could just get some Mr. Clean magic erasers to clean up a spill.  This will not keep me from attending future reception there because it really is a gem of a museum.  



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When we drive north we take advantage of Trip Adviser to find good places to eat.  This time we stopped at an authentic Southern Fried Chicken place.  It was the highlight of the trip.  Three generations of women serving up the best fried chicken I ever had.  We will definitely stop there again.   20160525_115234 20160525_115944 20160525_121331 20160525_121339

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Grassy Waters

Grassy Waters 9 x 12 Acrylic on Canvas Paper .  This one was very well received when I posted it on Facebook.   I have been trying to do some daily painting to implement what I have been learning lately.  In this one I was focusing on the Cape Cod School of Art.

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Th13087514_10154453059525348_4355556754880952771_ne May edition of Plein Air Magazine had a wonderful article about Plein Fun Fest, here in our back yard! Honored to have been included in the ” Winner’s Circle” of awards, along with such talented painters and friends.  I was co-chair of this event so happy to see it work out so well

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ocean-Inlet morning sunBut I broke my wrist..  I was just getting to Ocean Inlet, was in the parking lot.  As i get out of the car my foot turn over and down I go.  Of course my painting buddies say “Is it your painting are” and when I say “no” they tell me to stay and paint.  But the pain got the best of me so I
took a few pictures and did this one at home in the studio.  Not right away of course.

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First Place: Kerry Eriksen “Gator” Oil on canvas

It was a great day. Starting out very foggy, which cast a magical glow on the everglades, and later turned sunny and warm, it was a great day for plein air painting. Twenty-five of our artists showed up to paint, and while visitors for the day listened to talks at the pavilion, they could see the artists painting the beauty of the refuge. At the end of the day, we gathered in the visitor’s center theater for a meet and greet the artists.

It was great to see all the work produced that day all up on the artists’ easels during the gathering. While we were chatting with the visitors, the juror for the exhibit, Maxine Schreiber, circulated around and judged the works presented. When Steve and Maxine presented the awards, Maxine commented that she was impressed by the quality of the artwork. I have to agree, I am always humbled to have my artwork being displayed along with the truly great artists we have in Plein Air Palm Beach.




PAPB Artists at the Meet & Greet


The Winners were:

First Place: Kerry Eriksen for “Gator” Oil on canvas

Second Place: Lorrie Turner for “Foggy Morning” Pastel

Third Place: Linda Apriletti for “Willows and Lifting Fog” Oil on Linen

HM: Stan Dornfest for “Joyful Loxahatchee” Acrylic on Canvas

HM: Sal Sidner for “At the Pavillion” Oil on Canvas board

HM: Elfirda Schragen for “Two Trees Trail at Loxahatchee” Oil on Canvas


There will be an exhibit of the paintings produced the day of Festival in the  visitors’ center of the Wildlife Refuge that will run from March 5, 2014 – April 30th, 2014. Be sure to visit the exhibit “Plein Air Palm Beach Paints Loxahatchee” and the take a look around the refuge that inspired the artwork, you won’t be sorry. Twenty-five percent of sales of any artwork will go to Friends of the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, a very worthwhile organization.

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Plein Air Palm Beach

Postcard for Plein Air Palm Beach

Here is what has been keeping me busy both painting and organizing. Palm Beach Plein Air Artists began with Donna Walsh organizing paint-outs for Palm Beach Watercolor Society. At the same time Ralph Papa organized a Plein Air group to paint in and around Delray Beach FL. In the Spring of 2013, Ralph and Donna decided to merge the groups and thus became the co-founders of Plein Air Palm Beach. We decided to use the Plein Air Palm Beach as the group name, after consultation with key members of the meetup site since this most aptly describes the area where we schedule paint-outs.


We have regularly scheduled paint-outs twice a month from October to May. At the end of the second paint-out we meet for a group critique and a picnic lunch. This year we are planning for an exhibit at the Cultural Council of Palm Beach. The Cultural
Council is sponsoring ten paint-outs around the county and will host the exhibit “Art Outside the Walls: En Plein Air” from April 11, 2014 – June 7, 2014.

Plein Air Palm Beach mission is to work with members, local art groups, cultural centers and the public to support and enhance plein air painting, events and exhibits. We welcome support and sponsorship from the cultural community to enhance our mission. We are in the process of becoming a Florida non-profit group.

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IMG_9275Well it’s Spring in Delray

Beach, which means it is starting to get hot.  But the weather was great for the opening event for Delray Marketplace: Le Cirque Delray.

I decided it might be a good place to paint-out so I organized an outing for my plein air group.  Although several signed up, only two of us found each other amid the chaos of marching bands and costumed superheroes.

IMG_9279Even before I realized it was going to get hot and muggy, I had staked out spot in the shade by the bounce house.  This turned to be a good idea as my fellow artist succumbed to heat exhaustion and had to be taken to the hospital by the paramedics.  I gathered up all her art supplies, and she came by later in the evening to pick them up.

Many of the people attending the event thought I was part of the entertainment and asked if I were doing caricatures or face painting.  My husband came by and we had lunch at Terra Fiamma.  It was fantastic, and you can see his review of it on TripAdvisor.

I decided to paint some of the architecture.  This is great way to force yourself, as an artist, to get the correct perspective as you can hear the comments of those passing by.  It’s always better to hear “Oh, I see she is painting the building”  rather than “What is the World is that?”

All painting is a very intimate encounter, but painting plein air is even more so. I do find it challenging to work in this manner and often have to do a lot more work on the painting back in the studio, but I love painting outside, even in a mall.

It is like being all by yourself with your subject while at the same time being in the middle of a crowd.  The major difference is once you set up the crowd has to walk around you.

This proved to be a serious problem when our the group was painting at Delray Beach Play House at Lake Ida Park East .  We were having our critique session, and suddenly, three busloads of school kids were having a picnic around us.  The kids were very good but it was still too much for us, so we had to call it quits that day.

Delray Marketplace is a good place to paint, and because of the 911 call, I got to talk with the manager of the complex, Amy Ferguson, who told me she wants to have our group back at another time.  It’s very nice that the businesses are so receptive to artists painting at their locations.

Plein Air Artists are often looking toward the past, in that they document the structures of a town before they are torn down; at Delray Marketplace, we were at the opening.

Can’t wait to see the bougainvillea next year on the archways!  It will give us some nice shade to paint under./

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